Managing, buying and negotiating Rights to lower costs and reduce your risk.

Business-as-usual in Rights management is wasteful and complex.

We bring clarity, control and transparency.

We maximise the value of the assets you already own and buy new ones more efficiently to make your marketing budget go further.

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Our story

Identifying common industry problems that few were willing to address - then solving them for one of the world’s largest advertisers.

This is how Talent Wire began challenging business-as-usual in Rights management and procurement.

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How we work

Streamlining Rights operations without disrupting your day-to-day.

Benefit from a transparent process, a clearly defined scope and a quantifiable return…

Who we work for

Talent Wire is proud to partner with some of the world’s biggest brands across a variety of different sectors and territories.

We are proud to be ISBA’s Rights Management partner.

As an advocate for improvements to the advertising industry, ISBA provides thought leadership, learning and guidance. Bringing together a powerful community of marketers it seeks to create an advertising environment that is transparent, responsible and accountable.

As partners we support members with ideas, advice and best-practice solutions around Rights Management.

Find out more about us…

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Get in touch…

Call us on +44(0)747 871 9903

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